GLOBSEC US Foundation is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, non-governmental public policy organization with a working headquarters in Washington DC. With special reference to central and eastern Europe, the Foundation’s mission is to enhance security, prosperity and sustainability throughout the world.
GLOBSEC US Foundation aspires to educate about the realities of geopolitical situations and geostrategic relationships of Central and Eastern Europe to better inform American communities.
It will do so by engaging in the full gamut of think-tank related activities such as holding conferences, meetings, and other events, conducting research, publishing opeds/working with media generally, writing and publishing reports, and furthering dialogue between relevant communities.
GLOBSEC US Foundation shall be a nonprofit organization. The Corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes, all within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code 1986 as amended or the corresponding provision of any future Untied States Internal Revenue Law, including, for such purposes, the receiving of contributions, gifts and grants, and the making of distributions or grants to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3).
Latest events

Prague, Czechia — 13 September — GLOBSEC, a leading think tank dedicated to fostering global security and stability, is proud to…

Bratislava, 18 July 2024: GLOBSEC is proud to announce that General John R. Allen, retired U.S. Marine Corps four-star general…

On May 22, the GLOBSEC US Foundation hosted a timely virtual discussion on the state of Transatlantic and NATO military…
Latest publications

What is the reach and application of Multi-Domain Operations along NATO’s Eastern Flank? GLOBSEC’s Future of Security and Defence team…

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine presents unprecedented challenges in humanitarian demining (HD). Traditional methods of clearing land from explosive ordnance…

This study is a continuation of the previous work done on scenario building in November 2022 with a foresight analysis…